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Covid-19 : 82 forms

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PreCARES - “Poverty and Covid-19: changes in access and recourse to health care”, Île-de-France March-June 2020

Head : Véran Jean François

Version 1


Last update : 05/05/2021

PreCARES - “Poverty and Covid-19: changes in access and recourse to health care”, Île-de-France March-June 2020

Head : Véran Jean François

Main objective

The study set itself the objective of investigating and documenting the way in which vulnerable populations coped with the lockdown period for controlling the Covid-19 crisis, in terms of the following three aspects: 1) The effects of reducing the public space, access to resources and available services and health care, limiting the ability of vulnerable populations to look after themselves, particularly in terms of health. 2) The way in which public policies for the Covid-19 epidemic were applied - or not - in practical situations facing vulnerable populations. 3) The ability of the stakeholders - including MSF - to offer a solution to health problems arising among these populations, both in terms of the epidemic, and more general health needs.

Inclusion criteria

The study population concerned vulnerable individuals aged over 15 years, randomly and proportionally selected at each study site. The study sites were selected out of convenience, to fulfil the following criteria: sites still open and at which the MSF Covid Poverty project intervened at least once to provide medical and paramedical care, in the Paris and Seine Saint Denis administrative departments (main geographical zone of the MSF project), accepting populations suffering from economic and/or administrative instability, representing diverse forms of housing and accommodations, where the safety conditions at the time of the survey permitted, and after approval by the head of the association or housing facility.

Revised HOME-CoV - Study on the implementation of the revised HOME-CoV score to guide the choice of hospitalisation or outpatient management of patients with confirmed or probable SARS-CoV-2 infection admitted to an emergency department.

Head : Douillet Delphine

Version 1


Last update : 05/05/2021

Revised HOME-CoV - Study on the implementation of the revised HOME-CoV score to guide the choice of hospitalisation or outpatient management of patients with confirmed or probable SARS-CoV-2 infection admitted to an emergency department.

Head : Douillet Delphine

Main objective

The primary objective is to demonstrate the reliability and safety of outpatient management among patients highly suspected or confirmed as infected with COVID-19, attending an emergency department and with a revised HOME-CoV score less than 2 (negative rule).

The secondary objectives are as follows:
i. Evaluate the rate of patients having required hospitalisation within 7 days following inclusion according to the revised positive or negative HOME-CoV rule.
ii. Evaluate the rate of patients having required hospitalisation and initiation of oxygen therapy within 7 days following inclusion according to the revised positive or negative HOME-CoV rule.
iii. Evaluate the rate of patients having required intubation within 7 days following inclusion according to the revised positive or negative HOME-CoV rule.
iv. Evaluate the rate of all-cause deaths within 7 days following inclusion according to the revised positive or negative HOME-CoV rule.
v. Evaluate the performance of the revised HOME-CoV score in predicting a
negative outcome in the patient subgroup with SARS-CoV-2 infection
confirmed by RT-PCR to rule out the risk of a negative outcome when assessed as low risk.
vi. Compare the performance of the revised HOME-CoV score with that of other existing scores.

Inclusion criteria

Adult patient (> 18 years),
- Attending one of the emergency departments taking part in the study due to COVID-19 infection confirmed by SARS-CoV-2 positive RT-PCR, or considered highly probable by the physician managing the patient,
- Not requiring management in a continuous care or intensive care unit, and subject to a decision to limit active treatment,
- Having given their formal consent to take part in the study,
- Registered with or a beneficiary of a social security scheme.

CONSTANCES - Cohort of Consultants from Health Examination Clinics

Head : Zins Marie, UMS 011 Cohortes épidémiologiques en population
Goldberg Marcel, UMS 011 Cohortes épidémiologiques en population

Version 2


Last update : 07/08/2015

CONSTANCES - Cohort of Consultants from Health Examination Clinics

Head : Zins Marie, UMS 011 Cohortes épidémiologiques en population
Goldberg Marcel, UMS 011 Cohortes épidémiologiques en population

Main objective

The objective is to establish a major epidemiological representative cohort of the general population and large workforce, in order to contribute to the development of epidemiological research and to provide information regarding public health.

- This is an infrastructure for epidemiological research based on the active workforce, quality and diversity of data and surveillance procedures. Objectives focus on the epidemiology of chronic illness, ageing, behaviour and the environment, as well as determining occupational and social health factors. It may also allow projects to be initiated for various topics, given to the wide accessibility for researchers.

- This is a public health tool that supports the State and CNAMTS public health objectives and assesses the achievement of these objectives through a comprehensive monitoring tool and the collection of diverse information, due to the varied and supplementary methods that call on various data sources.

- This is an epidemiological monitoring tool through a partnership established with the French Institute for Public Health Surveillance (InVS) (particularly on the topic of occupational risk from the Department of Occupational Health (DST)-InVS).

Inclusion criteria

Adults between 18 and 69 years old and affiliated with the General Social Security Fund.

NUTRINET-SANTE - Nutrinet-Health

Head : Hercberg Serge, Unité de Recherche en Epidémiologie Nutritionnelle (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Chantal Julia, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Touvier Mathilde, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Mejean Caroline, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Peneau Sandrine, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Fezeu Léopold, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Galan Pilar, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Kesse Emmanuelle, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Castetbon , USEN

Version 1


Last update : 07/03/2015

NUTRINET-SANTE - Nutrinet-Health

Head : Hercberg Serge, Unité de Recherche en Epidémiologie Nutritionnelle (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Chantal Julia, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Touvier Mathilde, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Mejean Caroline, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Peneau Sandrine, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Fezeu Léopold, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Galan Pilar, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Kesse Emmanuelle, Unité de Recherche en EPidémiologie Nutritionnele (UREN), U557 Inserm / U1125 Inra / Cnam / Université Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris-Cité)
Castetbon , USEN

Main objective

General objective: to understand the relationship between nutrition and health and to investigate factors that determine dietary patterns.
1. To study the relationship between nutrient intake, food and dietary patterns as well as:
- overall and specific mortality (cancer or cardiovascular disease);
- The impact of cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity and excess weight, type 2 diabetes, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome and quality of life.
2. To investigate factors that determine dietary patterns (sociological, economical. cultural, biological, etc.), nutritional status and health.
3. To monitor trends in the population's nutrient intake and nutritional status over time.
4. To evaluate the impact of public health campaigns or initiatives (awareness, perception, effectiveness, etc.).

Inclusion criteria

Internet users (over 18 years old) who agreed to participate in the study for 5 years (at least) by answering questionnaires on diet (3 dietary records at baseline over 3 weeks) + questionnaires on physical activity + weight, height, + lifestyle + health questionnaire.

SEROCOVID - Etude épidémiologique de prévalence du statut immunologique COVID-19 par l’utilisation de tests sérologiques rapides d’orientation diagnostique dans les établissements sanitaires et médico-sociaux du groupe UNIVI

Head : HARBOUN Marc

Version 1


Last update : 09/28/2021

SEROCOVID - Etude épidémiologique de prévalence du statut immunologique COVID-19 par l’utilisation de tests sérologiques rapides d’orientation diagnostique dans les établissements sanitaires et médico-sociaux du groupe UNIVI

Head : HARBOUN Marc

Main objective

Etudier la prévalence et le profil sérologique (présence d’anticorps et donc du contact avec le SARS COV2) chez des résidents et des personnels soignants d’EHPAD asymptomatiques (sans symptômes évoquant une infection en cours à COVID 19), ainsi que celui des personnels soignants asymptomatiques des établissements sanitaires du groupe UNIVI.

Inclusion criteria

Groupe Résidents :
- Résidents des EHPAD participants
- Ayant bénéficié récemment d’un test sérologique rapide d’orientation diagnostique du COVID-19
- Ayant donné leur accord

Groupe Professionnels :
- Tous les personnels (médecins, infirmier(e)s, cadres de santé, aide-soignant(e)s, masseur-kinésithérapeutes, ASH, brancardiers, psychologues, diététicien(ne)s, personnels administratifs, secrétaires médicales, personnels intervenant en consultations et hôpitaux de jour..)
- Ayant bénéficié récemment d’un test sérologique rapide d’orientation diagnostique du COVID-19
- Ayant donné leur accord

COVIDOR - étude épidémiologique du test covid-19 presto chez les agents des collectivités territoriales du Loiret et Orléans Métropole. Corrélation du taux d’IgM en fonction du contact avec le public

Head : Serreau Raphael, URC PARADICT-O

Version 1


Last update : 03/12/2021

COVIDOR - étude épidémiologique du test covid-19 presto chez les agents des collectivités territoriales du Loiret et Orléans Métropole. Corrélation du taux d’IgM en fonction du contact avec le public

Head : Serreau Raphael, URC PARADICT-O

Main objective

Estimer la séroprévalence de l’infection covid-19, à coronavirus (Sars-cov-2) chez des agents territoriaux des structures d’Orléans Métropole, dans la
communauté de commune Terre Val de Loire, au centre de Gestion (CDG45) et dans La Région Centre Val de Loire mesuré par la présence d’anticorps anti Covid-19

Objectifs secondaires :
Déterminer un taux d’attaque du covid-19 chez les agents territoriaux en fonction des métiers en relation avec le public (ATSEM, Auxiliaires de Puéricultures, Gestion des déchets, Surveillance du Territoire,…) ou non
- Etablir la corrélation entre un contact Covid avéré et le poste occupé (contact avec le public ou non)
-Dépister des agents (en contact avec le public ou non) qui pourraient être contaminants et asymptomatiques.

Inclusion criteria

Critères d’inclusion :
- Âge >18 ans
- Etre un agent des collectivités territoriales suivantes : Région Centre Val de Loire, CDG 45,
CCTVL et Orléans Métropole, les élus sont considérés comme des agents territoriaux dans
l’étude covidor et peuvent être inclus
- Etre volontaire pour se faire tester
Critères de non inclusion :
- Opposition (refus de participation) à l’étude
- Agents présentant des symptômes Covid 19 le jour de la visite

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